In this election year and today’s climate of “Black Live’s Matter”, “All Live’s Matter” knowing your rights is essential. Arming your- self with the information which governs your stat e/city / community will give you a leg up on any situation where your fundamental freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom of thought, freedom of due process of the law, freedom of belief, freedom of peaceful assembly, and freedom of association could be challenged. More importantly knowing the platform of those who are seeking your vote is more valuable than the money you would donate to their campaign.
In 2016 there are several ways to get information with the easiest method at our finger tips. The Keith Warren Justice Foundation (TKWJF) is working to help those in the state of Maryland to understand and “Know Your Rights”. Our first initiative “Know Your Rights” postcards were developed to be accessible and easy to understand information. The “Traffic Stop” post- card was designed for the individual to place in their glove compartment of their car next to the registration card.
In 1986 Ms. Mary Couey (Keith Warren’s mother) was not aware of her rights relating to the death of her only son Keith Warren. Ms. Mary fought for 23 years until her untimely death in 2009 to see justice and accountability in Keith’s death. Sherri Warren, her daughter founded TKWJF to assist others in their individual efforts so that no other family would have the same struggle in understanding the system and their rights.
Phone: 202-643-6233
Fax: 301-560-4935