The attached documentation was sent to MCMPD. The information is directly related to the subject matter of the manufacturers of embalming fluid used for Keith Warren . In 2012 Chief Manger’s African American Liaison Committee were presented with this information relating to the Keith Warren case at the April 19 committee meeting. Please see the attached memorandum and documentation relating to toxins in Keith’s system, and whether or not those came from embalming fluids.
The professionals who communicated with the Medical Examiner and the independent forensic pathologist were well-informed and knowledgeable and one was a scientist, and another was a former medical examiner. In any case, they directly contacted the manufacturers of the embalming products used on Keith and attached is some of that correspondence.
Right now there is no proof of how he died (no one can prove suicide, nor homicide, nor accident), so until proof is found, the only fair outcome is that cause of death be changed to “undetermined.” I know only the Medical Examiner can change the death certificate. Yet, the State’s Attorney’s Office, after a Grand Jury reviewed the case, came to the conclusion of “undetermined” and left the case open (in the files of the State Attorney Office and not officially).
Please Click on link below to see complete documentation
Link to document – toxicology-conference-call-9-21-2016-1
I can’t even tell you how sad it makes me feel to hear this story … God Bless You and your family and may your brother and mother RIP
Thank you for your kind note. Please share Keith’s story with your social circle, hopefully with enough attention it will force local law enforcement to reconsider their position.