Official Calls for New Look at 1986 Hanging Death of Black Maryland Man -4-19-21
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Hans Riemer Asks For Investigation Into the 1986 Death of Keith Warren
On Wednesday, Councilmember At-Large Hans Reimer sent a letter to County Executive Marc Elrich asking him to order an independent investigation into the Montgomery County Police Department’s handling of Keith Warren’s death.
Warren was found hanging from a tree on July 31, 1986 near his home in Silver Spring. The death was classified as a suicide but because of inconsistencies in the case, his family has long believed it to be a lynching.
From Wikipedia:
“Many argue that the intricacy of the rope ties were too complicated to perform by one person. To add to the confusion, it was also stated that police did not determine a perimeter or close off the scene, they never interviewed his acquaintances, and an autopsy was never performed. His body was sent directly to a funeral home for embalming, even before his mother, Mary Couey, was notified of that decision.[4] Warren’s mother and sister, Sherri, believed the death to be a lynching. They were able to review the files with Montgomery police detective Joe Mudano.[5] He was also found in clothing and shoes that were not his own.[6]
Are there any updates?
The state attorney is now reviewing and now we play the waiting game. There are a few new exciting things coming that I will not speak on, however once they come to fruition they will expose a lot……
I would love to know! I was devastated when there was no “Update” on the segment and it led me here… I really hope there is justice for Keith Warren!
Thank you. There will be an announcement very soon that will move this case in a positive direction
Hopefully with Unsolved Mysteries being revived more people like myself will become aware of this case and demand justice 🙏