When Law Enforcement is not interested in Justice
Posted in Front Page, News

Keith Warren was found hanging from a tree in 1986 in Montgomery County MD
Ahmaud Arbery was murdered February 2020 while Jogging in Atlanta, GA.
1. Both were murdered
2. Each death was not investigated properly by local law enforcement
3. Each had their entire future taken from them by cowards protected by local law enforcement.
4. The family of each lost a piece of their future with the untimely death
The death of Mr. Arbery is very unfortunate and I pray for healing and strength for his family and friends. This is where I become jaded and confused. The outrage in the death of Mr. Arbery is very necessary in bringing to justice those that took his life. Where is this same energy when Keith Warren and others who have suffered at the hands of comprised law enforcement is brought up in the conversation?
I pray for healing and strength for all through these interesting times, I do ask that we all stay woke.
#KeithWarren #AhmaudArbery #Justice #Injustice #dotherightthing #blacklivesmatter #truth #howtogetawaywithmurder #thisisAmerica #murder #Lies
I just watched Keith’s story on Unsolved Mysteries. Keith is still alive in our hearts. Black Lives Matter. Keith’s life matters!!!!! People still care and Keith still deserves justice!!!
Thank you for those kind words. I appreciate your time and energy.