Recommendations Report – 2021 Reimagining Public Safety Task Force -Montgomery County Maryland Police Dept
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So let me preference this post by saying that it is impressive that the Montgomery County Council is taking progressive steps to reform/ reimage the Police department. That being said, just because you can move on… I cannot. The lack of transparency in the investigation into the death of my brother is disrespectful and dismissive.
The BIGGER issue with policing and the bias experienced by those who are traumatized by the system that was put into place to protect and serve is a systematic glitch, that has gone unchecked in direct relation to my brothers death in Montgomery County Maryland.
My mother paid her tax dollar for 30yrs in Montgomery County Maryland and she couldnt get the respect of a fair and unbiased investigation into the death of her only son and gave her life spirit fighting everyday for 23yrs to get answers, which by right of a citizen in #MontgomeryCountyMaryland should have been granted without pause.
Im still here and still fighting for #Maryland #MontgomeryCountyMD and the justice system to right the wrong and do right by my mother and brother.
Here is the full report………
#KeithWarren #transparency #Justice #accountability #ThisisAmerica #BlackLivesMatter #SilverSpringMD #bias #mocountymd
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This was such a Sad case; I hope & pray that something Will happen, whether a confession or discovery of evidence. Keith Warren, His Mother Mary, & his Sister Sherry, All deserve to know What really happened!