Embalmers Report – Toxicology information
I’m going to take the liberty to share an observation from a friend who is helping me with bringing...
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Your Vote / Your Voice
We have to start having the conversation of the importance in getting out and making sure that you play...
The importance of great note keeping
The importance of great note keeping Click on link for full video: https://www.tiktok.com/@justice4keith @justice4keith
How a Police Department / Justice system can bring closure or despair and confusion to the family
In today’s video we’re going to discuss how a police department can either bring closure to a family or...
Mark Finley – mysterious death and how it relates to Keith’s death
This episode is about Mark Finley. Coincidentally the same department that ruled my brothers death as a suicide ruled...
Vlog part 2 of video 2
Part two of my explanation as to why I am not requesting an investigation to be reopened……
Video part 1 – What are my ask’s?
Video #1 1.What are my ask’s of MCPD / Medical Examiners 2. Why I don’t want MCPD to open...
New weekly vlog – using my words to explain why I will not stop until I get closure into the death of my brother
Welcome to my new weekly (well let’s say that for today) video post about my struggle with getting justice...
“UPROOTED” airing February 18, 2021 on Discovery Plus
I’m so excited to announce the airing of the 3 part docu series surrounding the circumstances of how my...
Recommendations Report – 2021 Reimagining Public Safety Task Force -Montgomery County Maryland Police Dept
So let me preference this post by saying that it is impressive that the Montgomery County Council is taking...