Thank you @marchonfoundation for continuing the conversation of how a whole state #Maryland and an entire #JusticeSystem in said state ( #montgomerycountymd , #MCPD , #marylandstatepolice #montgomerycountypolice department #OAGMaryland ) continue to ignore how my brother a blackman #KeithWarren was strung up on a tree and no investigation was conducted.
I am currently waiting on a ruling from the medical examiners office on my 55 page request which I submitted back in February 2023 about updating my brother’s death certificate to reflect the evidence which is undetermined.
It is unfortunate that they continue to ignore the information presented recently which supports my request. I have on camera former state attorney of Montgomery county/former Attorney General of Maryland, Mr. Doug Gansler stating that this case should be reclassified. Mr. Gansler made that statement in 2022.
I have a whole three-part Doc series on #discoveryplus (UpRooted) discussing the details of this case, which shows that there is enough inconsistencies with the investigation in regards to how my brother was found on said tree.
I’m not going away…..
@oagmaryland @themocoshow @mocopgnews @mococouncilmd @wsbtvcommunity @mocolocal @mocomdhistory