This story was filed August 2022. I’m gonna state and continue to say the justice system in Maryland is not a system of justice for my brother, my mother, or my family and that’s problematic. The justice system in Maryland should not be picking and choosing what’s important what should be investigated and what should be looked into based off of biased opinions from individuals who don’t want the truth to be told or known.
Let me be very clear and very precise when I say this…..John McCarthy’s has never spoken to me, returned a phone call, email or tweet. He had someone from his office reach out to me about four years ago and advised me that I should go get counseling and get over it,but he has avoided me since the death of my mother. For one I’ve never asked for a criminal investigation. You cannot conduct a criminal investigation if there’s no evidence to go back and look at. Conveniently Detective Beasley destroyed every piece of physical evidence that an unbiased person or department could go back and look into and figure out how Keith was strung up on that tree.
It frustrates me and infuriates me that Detective Beasley and his lies and his actions to destroy evidence and conceal information continue to haunt my family and go unchecked by every Montgomery County police Department administration to include the current one.
@justice4keith This report was filed August 2022.I’m gonna state and continue to say the justicesystem in Marylandis not a system of justice for my brother, my mother, or my family and that’s problematic. The justice system in Maryland should not be picking and choosing what’s important what should be investigated and what should be looked into based off of biased opinions from individuals who don’t want the truth to be told or known-S. Warren #Keithwarren#Montgomerycountymd#accountability#transparency

Contact Dr Michael Baden and ask for his help looking over the autopsy . He is very well known and has helped in many cases , and with death certificates being changed . I have watched your documentary and heart goes out to your mother and you .
I just watched on HBO a Sister Fight the county over her brothers death. Till she contact Dr Baden . After the cause of death was changed justice finally came .
My oldest sister was murdered in Charleston SC and No one has ever answered to date .
Keep up the fight. Police are corrupt everywhere. Their are some good ones I’m sure. Just haven’t met any. Rev JLQ
Good day,
Thank you for taking the time to watch the documentary and following Keith’s story. My mom made an attempt to reach out to Dr. Baden, however he cost a lot of money and his services are not free. My condolences to you and your family for your loss of your sister I do hope that you all find peace and justice.