How a Police Department / Justice system can bring closure or despair and confusion to the family
Posted in Front Page, News, Sherri's thoughts, Video

In today’s video we’re going to discuss how a police department can either bring closure to a family or bring confusion and despair. How the biased opinion of those in law enforcement can allow someone to get away with #murder.
#KeithWarren #MillBrookTwins #LyonSisters #MontgomeryCountyMD #Justice #accountability #Bias #coldcases #DiscoveryPlus #UpRooted #Vote
@justice4keith #duet with @justice4keith #KEITHWARREN #MillBrookTwins #LyonSisters #MontgomeryCountyMD #LauraCoates #SilverSpringMD #OxygenNetwork #truecrime #justice #accountability #discoveryplus #UpRooted