House pass S. 3655
Posted in Front Page, News

This will shine a light on #policedepartments that want to hide behind lies & deceit of retired officers who chose not to do their jobs due to personal bias.The hurt & betrayal put on families when it came to how their loved one died & never knowing why is an unmeasurable sadness. This just opened another door to help bring closure and accountability in the death of my brother #KeithWarren by continuing the conversation of the injustice suffered by families brought on by the ones that take an oath, wear a uniform or carry a badge.. lets not forget the ones voted into office. The same ones that will use their biased to determine what/who is important and who is not. The State of #Maryland, @McCarthyMoCo @Marc_Elrich can continue to ignore me, #MontgomeryCountyMD can try to make me go away….I’m never going to stop thank you Jon Ossoff #KeithWarren #BobbyLRush
#KeithWarren life mattered! 
#ChiefJones #UpRooted #DiscoveryPlus #IAINTGOINGNOWHERE #Justice #Accountability #Transparency #DoTheRightThing
#blacklivesmatter #MarcElrich #karma #youknowyougrewupinmontgomerycounty #JohnMcCarthy #TomHucker #WillJawando #JamieRaskin #SidneyKatz #NancyNavarro #CRAIGRICE #gabealbornoz #andrewmfriedson #silverspringmd #BRIANFROSH #montgomerycountymarylanddiscussiongroup #montgomerycountycouncilmaryland #justice #accountability #silverspringmd #montgomerycountycouncilmaryland
#fightforjustice #justice #keithwarren #mocountymd #montgomerycountymarylanddiscussiongroup #silverspringmd #transparency #UpRooted
#KeithWarren #montgomerycountymaryland #bias #coldcase #discoveryplus #UpRooted