Formal request sent to Maryland Medical Examiners office to modify death certificate
Posted in Front Page, News, News Article, Official Case Documents, Sherri's thoughts

@justice4keith #KeithWarren #DrDavidFowler #DrFowler #justice #accountability #transparency #MD #montgomerycountymd #silverspringmd
Let’s talk about how justice system in Maryland is a flawed system and one that I’m going to continue to try to get them to do right by my family and my brother. #DrFowler, the medical examiners office, the police department, the state attorneys office, the attorney generals office, and anyone that holds a position of power in the community failed my family. This is a very simple fix, we have the documentation the information scientifically, medically, and factually that Keith did not commit suicide… The ask is simple base the determination of how my brother got on the tree off of facts. For more detail please watch “UpRooted” on Discovery Plus.
Here is the link to review the document sent to Dr. Fowlers attention:

#KeithWarren life mattered! 😪
#ChiefJones #UpRooted #DiscoveryPlus #IAINTGOINGNOWHERE #Justice #Accountability #Transparency #DoTheRightThing
#blacklivesmatter #MarcElrich #karma #youknowyougrewupinmontgomerycounty #JohnMcCarthy #TomHucker #WillJawando #JamieRaskin #SidneyKatz #NancyNavarro #CRAIGRICE #gabealbornoz #andrewmfriedson #silverspringmd #BRIANFROSH #montgomerycountymarylanddiscussiongroup #montgomerycountycouncilmaryland #justice #accountability #silverspringmd #montgomerycountycouncilmaryland
#fightforjustice #justice #keithwarren #mocountymd #montgomerycountymarylanddiscussiongroup #silverspringmd #transparency #UpRooted
#KeithWarren #montgomerycountymaryland #bias #coldcase #discoveryplus #UpRooted