


  1. Gentry Lynn 5 years ago

    What happened to your son and subsequently to you, is horrific. I have no words other than to say I see you, I see him. He matters. You matter. My heart breaks and I am furious and disgusted.

    • Author
      sherri 5 years ago

      Thank you for taking time to read Keith’s story I appreciate you showing interest . Keith was my brother my mom passed away in 2009.

  2. Ashley Welch 5 years ago

    I am sharing this with major news sites, in hopes that your story will be shared during this time of much needed change in this country. BLM. I hope and pray for justice for your family.

    • Author
      sherri 5 years ago

      I appreciate any and all assistance to getting to the end goal of getting Keith’s case reclassified and getting the death certificate changed. I really appreciate your time and energy.

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