We have launched a letter writing campaign. Please click on the link and it will open up in your mail client with the form letter to include the email address’s of those we are targeting. You will only need to add your name and city in the body of the email. We appreciate your time and energy. Thank you for your offer of help. Please share with your social circle.
If the link is not working for you please email us at info@TheKeithWarrenJusticeFoundation.org and we will email you the link directly. Please click on the link below to be redirected to the formatted letter we appreciate your support
I can’t see a date when the letter campaign started. With the current media coverage of the Robert Fuller case, perhaps we can make some leeway now. I genuinely want this case solved. The people who called the police should be interrogated…if nothing else, there should be more info on that part of the story! This is unbelievable! I became aware of this case in January, and now is the time for our community to DEMAND justice! They have to do a proper investigation and provide answers!
Good Day,
My apology for the delay in responding. The Letter campaign started June 5th. I have put the requested in writing and called asking MCPD to interview Claudia Lawson with no response from them. I appreciate you energy and ask please continue the conversation about Keith and pray-fully this new energy will motivate MCPD to do the very minimum and change the death certificate.
A more extensive Article with the same title was in the Washington post this week….
https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/176090 -
This one references the Washington Post article. I can’t link that washington post article without a subscription etc…
How did the meeting go?
Good Day Maria,
My apology for delay in responding. The short version is that Chief Jones is going to let me know his decision in the near future as to whether he will reclassify Keith case. In his opinion this case can only be classified as a suicide or homicide no in-between. Chief Jones regurgitated everything that the previous chiefs have said. I challenged him to base his decision off of facts and evidence. When I asked him to provide a legitimate argument for suicide he could not could give me no scientific, medical or factual information to back up the suicide argument, however he was standing firm on what was previously said. I responded with factual information, pictures, medical and scientific documentation to support my argument of anything other than “suicide”. Interesting note, Chief Jones has been on the force for 35yrs so he was there when this happen. This is not a comforting thought for me as this fact is very telling where his loyalty lives. Suffice to say I left the meeting feeling disappointment and sadness for future generations.
For the first time it smacked me in the face that policing is an institution and they are more concerned about protecting the brand and protecting the institution. My disappointment is not so much for my brother and mother, but for the generations behind me. It is a sad state of affairs when facts, scientific documentation and medical information don’t matter in decision making in law enforcement in Montgomery County Maryland.