My mother was not aware of her rights & information available to her in her quest to bring #Justice in the death of my brother & #accountability in her struggle w/Montgomery County Maryland PD. Here’s a copy of the police manual for Memphis Tennessee Police Department… this is just an example of the information available to you if you know how to work the system.
Using Open Records and Freedom of Information Laws “Open Records Acts or Freedom of Information Acts (FOIA) are laws that give you the right to access public documents, which means anything in possession of a public agency. Since the Vietnam War and Watergate, when government secrecy created so much popular anger, Americans have insisted on having the right to know what public officials and agencies are doing. Because so few states have full subsidy disclosure, there could be no economic development accountability without open records laws.
Every state has a law, modeled on the federal Freedom of Information Act, affirming the public’s right to see government documents. The federal FOIA permits “any person” to request access to agency records, including citizens and non-citizens, corporations, universities, and state and local governments. Most state laws have similarly broad definitions.
Information covered by the law
Each state sets its own rules, but generally the open records act applies to all government agencies. Open records acts also cover any part of an organization that spends or is supported in whole or in part by public funds. Some states grant money to private non-profit organizations to administer economic development, including company recruitment. Many open records laws would still cover information in the hands of such agencies because they are funded with public money, so don’t hesitate to submit an open records request to such an entity.” www.goodjobsfirst.com
#Keithwarren #transparency #accountability #murderamongfriends #justice #dotherightthing #takeastand #MoCountyMD #SilverSpringMD #Makeadifference #informationiskey #knowyourrights #MURDER #INTEGRITY #doyourpart #speakyourpowerintoexistence #SilverSpringMD #Transparency
I believe in the work Sherri Warren has done….I watched a segment on her brothers death….she is correct in her doubts of her brothers death….I give her alot of credit!
Thank you