“Your issue is not my issue, however if you continue to ignore my issue one day my issue my become your issue”. My mother spoke these words in 1986… My mother until her death in 2009 was consistently disregarded, ignored, and disrespected by both the#DOJ , #FBI and National/local law enforcement when she questioned them about their investigation into the death of her only son #KeithWarren. Since then we have had cases just like Keith Warren where justice was not delivered due to shoddy police investigations in the deaths of #OscarGrant (2009)#KendrecMcDade (2012) #DariusSimmons ( 2012)#AlfredWright (2013) #LaVenaJohnson (2005)#TrayvonMartin (2012) #EricGarner (2014)#YusefHawkin (1989) #FreddieGray (2015)#kendrickjohnson ( 2013) #SeanBell (2006)#MichaelBrown (2014) #LennonLacy (2014) #SandraBland (2015) #Freddie Gray (2015) and those victims who never received national news coverage. Wonder if the families of the above mentioned ever concerned themselves with my mother’s issue concerning the death of her son Keith Warren in 1986?