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1. If autopsy was done all questions surrounding Keith’s death would be answered
2. If we had the noose we could tell if a left handed or right handed person tied it
3. Cutting the tree down stops us from examining any type of marks or indention that would verify Keith climbing the tree.
4. Using misleading information on the medical examiners report shows clear intent to re-write the narrative of how Keith Warren got on the tree.
5. Using a statement and NO additional information to determine cause of death is MORALLY WRONG!
Which part of the conversation should we start with ? Obstruction of Justice is “any attempt to hinder the discovery, apprehension, conviction or punishment of anyone who has committed a crime”. In relation to Keith Warren there is no physical evidence to use to fight for the case of murder or suicide in the death of Keith Warren.
Which of Detective Beasley actions (which MCMPD is protecting) is obstruction?
no autopsy
“misplaced”/Lost the noose
Falsified information used on medical ex report
Cut the tree down after case was closed
Used non verifiable information to classify cause of death
Obstruction of justice by authoritative figures is getting out of hand in Canada. They obstructed Justice repeatedly in my cases from disclosures to transcripts. They are constantly impeding my ability to defend myself. This is a cry out!. The Department of Justice in Canada applies no controls towards it’s departments. They violate my right openly!. Even removed my right to present mathematical evidence…It never ends…Somebody please help.
Its unfortunate those put into power to protect and serve… serve their own best interest and not the people who put them into office to serve the community.