Case Discrepencies
- "Clothing Keith Warren left the house in and items given back to family at the time of death were not the clothing Keith Warren had on while suspended on the tree."
- "Montgomery County Police Department would like for the family to believe Keith Warren walked a quarter of mile from where his car was parked in a residential neighborhood in the middle of the day carrying a 40 feet rope, change of clothing and a 4 pack of wine cooler to hang himself."
- "The family was told that there was no prior interaction with Keith and Montgomery County PD, however in the police officer's notes he states the detective was aware of Keith Warren’s prior mental history at the crime scene 5 hours prior to interviewing the mother, also in the police officers notes the detective makes no mention as to how he came about this information."
- "Per the lead Detective Keith was not embalmed until the family identified the body. However, in the lead detective notes received March 2014 the detective called the funeral home at 10am on Friday morning and was told “the body was processed”. Keith Warren's uncle did not ID the body until 1:00 pm on that Friday on his 3rd trip to the funeral home."
- "Although Montgomery County police department told Mrs. Mary the case was closed on July 31, 1986, the detective cut the tree down one month later with the explanation that he was collecting evidence."
- "Mrs. Mary (Keith’s Mother) requested the noose on several occasions and was never given the noose and was eventually told that the noose was lost, however in the police officer notes it was mention that chief of police at the time did not want the noose released back to the family."
- Date of death is listed as July 30, 1987. First the year is wrong, it was 1986. Second, Keith was found on July 31, 1986. How could they determine the time of death as being July 30, 1986 without doing a lividity test or an autopsy? The investigating officer pronounced Keith Warren dead at the scene. No one with a medical background examined Keith Warren's body prior to being sent to the funeral home.
- " Dr. Rogers, the Coroner, is marked both as being on the scene and as not being on the scene. The investigating officer is the name next to the box "pronounced" on the death certificate. If Dr. Rogers was on the scene, why is he not the one to confirm death?"
- " On Death Certificate it states that Officer Leverette was the person who pronounced Keith dead. Why would the police officer pronounce someone dead if a medical doctor was on the scene?"
- "The question of whether or not the coroner was on scene has never been clearly answered. At one point the Chief of Police stated publicly that Dr. Rogers was not on the scene and witnesses at the scene also claim that they never saw Dr. Rogers on the scene."
- "On the Office of the Chief Medical Examiners Investigation report it states that Keith's sister “ stated she hadn’t seen him for about a week.” This is impossible. Keith’s sister, Sherri, was in New Jersey for two months prior to Keith's death and at the time of Keith’s death. So, first Sherri was not available to talk with the police (they did not know where she was) and second, Sherri was a minor and would have had to have an adult to be present to speak with her, and 3rd Sherri hadn’t seen Keith for two months---not because Keith had been missing ---but because Sherri was in New Jersey."
- " September 19, Chief of Police Chief Brooks explained the tree was cut down for evidence in the event Keith’s case went to court. (This statement was confusing to the family, because the police were so insistent that the case was closed---yet at the same time they realized there were enough problems with the case that the family might later go to court.)"
- "July 1992 Mark Finely called Mrs. Mary and left a message on her answering machine stating that he wanted to see here and he wanted to “unload.” Mark did not leave a phone number, and did not call back. Mark was found dead on a bike trail around 5am in the morning 1 month after making this phone call."
- "Mark Finley died in what was described as a “freak” bicycle accident. According to paramedics who were on the scene, his wounds were not consistent with a bicycle accident. His wounds were more consistent to being hit by a car or being hit with a baseball bat. Mark Finely’s wounds were greater than could have been caused by falling off a bicycle in the location where the alleged accident occurred."
Keith Warren
Keith WarrenKeith Warren was loved by his family and his colleagues. Read about his life…his mother’s dedication (R.I.P.) and his sister – Sherri Warren – continued mission in bringing the truth to light. |
Case Documents
Case DocumentsCold cases such as Keith’s are becoming more prevalent within the African American Community and beyond. To lose a loved one without closure is to live without hope in our judicial system. |
Mrs. Mary
Mrs. MaryAt first Keith’s mother tentatively accepted the verdict of her son committing suicide. That was until the documentation revealed a lack of sophisticated governance on the matter. This case is far from closed. |
Around the Web
Around the WebOur vision is highly capable: we intend to secure funding for families/individual’s who are in need of assistance in navigating the judicial system. |
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