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Detective Beasley used #racialbias in the death investigation of #KeithWarren. It is documented Detective Beasley used his bias against my mom to influence MCMPD and defamed her character within the department. Racial BIAS is nothing new. The “BIAS” issue that is so important today, is NOT new. It is only new to those who choose to now address it, acknowledge it, and desire to fight it because it has a direct affect against Meek Mills. All throughout time bias from police officers, sheriffs, detectives, foot patrols, anyone with a badge or uniform to include those who preside on a bench is recorded and has sat undisturbed in the halls of the this great nations library of conscious hidden in annuals of prejudice. I sit in amazement how on 4/24/2018 there is this great charge bubbling in the under current of our society to address change. Where was this bubble before? Did I miss it? I am grateful that it is now in the court of public opinion and those who have used bias against another using their position of authority can no longer hide behind their badge or robe ( both black and white).—S. Warren